Important tips to survive on an island!

Being lost somewhere on an island is a pretty horrible scenario. But don't be afraid: We have important tips that will help you survive!

First of all, you should explore the entire island. Maybe some other persons can be found? What is the landscape like (are there mountains, woods, rivers)? Where could you sleep? From where can you get the materials to build yourself a small hut?


Here are some important points to keep in mind when you will be looking for food:

Source: own picture


To escape from the island, you might try to do the following:

Hopefully those tips will help you one day. Usually not many people get stuck on some island, but if it will happen to you, the most important points to remember are:

  1. do not be afraid
  2. use your mind
  3. never forget: Robinson Crusoe eventually made it

Good luck!